
Hey, I'm Prateek! 👋

With 15+ years in customer-facing roles for large enterprises, I specialize in driving success and stakeholder engagement. Skilled in account management and Agile methodologies, I prioritize data-driven insights for exceptional customer experiences. Find me on my socials below for a chat!

👨🏻‍💻 Experience

My professional journey so far!

🇨🇦 Fenergo

Jun, 2022 - Present

Technical Account Manager

🇨🇦 Digitate

Jan, 2021 - Jun, 2022

Technical Account Manager

🇨🇦 Tata Consultancy Services

Apr, 2013 - Dec, 2020

Senior Account Manager

🇮🇳 Tata Consultancy Services

Oct, 2008 - Mar, 2013

Service Delivery Manager

🇮🇳 CSIR - Central Leather Research Institute

Jan, 2008 - Jul, 2008

Research Assistant

📚 Education

My academic background!

🇮🇳 SRM University

2004 - 2008

B.Tech in Bio Technology

🇮🇳 Kendriya Vidyalaya

2000 - 2004

Senior Secondary

📝 Entrepreneurial Ventures

Ventures I’am part of

✨ Outbox House

Jun 2018 - Present

A South Asian bridal jewelry boutique

🚀 GetByte

Nov 2023 - Present

Getbyte empowers products to achieve top visibility and sales through its unique, fair-ranking algorithm

🏅 Awards & Achievements

Recognitions I’ve received!

🥇 Azure Fundamentals


🏅 IBM Domino Admin


⭐️ ITIL V3

ITIL Certified

🎖️ Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (ICGB)

The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC)

